It won’t have escaped your notice that your personal, private, and very precious data is being processed by various bodies in addition to Evernote.

There’s probably another thousand-word post in here about the degree of exposure involved with data being processed by third parties, and whether or not your plans for World Domination might get leaked to some shadowy lizard-run secret society.

The short form - any processing through these third parties is at least as safe as any internet-based transaction; if you really don’t want your data to be ‘out there’, it shouldn’t be online (or at least in Evernote) in the first place!

As a last note on the helpers…I’ve explained what they do, but haven't gone into any detail yet on the how – which would have made this long harangue into something that might have been even more indigestible.

If you need help to set these things up… I refer you to my opening comments...

If you pay for an app you will generally get help (from them) if you need it!

Good luck on all the above - I can't promise to react to any comments you may add here, but I will always read them.